2024 Fall

Speicific Requirements

  • We focus on papers published on SOSP and OSDI within 2 years .
  • We adopt a "1+N" presentation format: one person will present the main content, while the other N members will assist with preparation and handle the Q&A session.
  • We expect a detailed discussion of the paper's strengths and weaknesses, as well as a comprehensive overview of related works from the past three years. The presentation should last no less than 45 minutes.

Other Information

The playback video and text summary will be uploaded to bilibili and zhihu as soon as possible.


September 03

September 10

September 18

September 24

October 08

  • 💡 How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper
  • 🙎‍♂️ Xiaosong Ma (MBZUAI), Kang Chen (THU), Cheng Li (USTC)
  • 📕 slides

October 15

October 22

October 29

November 05

November 12

November 19

November 26

December 03

December 10

December 17

December 24

January 7